Wednesday, May 16, 2012

No Spot-Reducing of Fat

So ... I'm working on recovering from the emergency surgery I had on February 1, since it's now 106 days or so since the operation. I actually started on day 92, since I wasn't allowed to lift more than 30lbs until day 90.

Suffice to say, I'm just starting. I'm in as good condition as one can really be at my age after that sort of surgery; the appendix had ruptured, there was peritonitis ... lots of bad stuff. But that good health was predominantly from running and from taekwondo, not from any sort of program.

With hospital bills and other expenses making taekwondo no longer an option, I joined a less expensive gym, and now it's time to actually learn a bit about how to recover.

After a bit of wandering around on the net, I've found the first information article I'm going to use. Over time, I will read more to verify the information I'm getting and possibly to refine details about what I know. The reason for using this article as a starting point is because the information in it seems to be the conventional wisdom. As I said, I'll continue reading more about the facts -- but this appears to be a good surface summary of what's known.

Point #1, and this was the main point I was curious about today -- when you exercise to lose fat, it doesn't really matter which muscles you are using. Fat loss happens across the board, not in one particular place.

Here's the quick quote since it's so short: "Weight reduction occurs throughout the body, not in specific areas. `Spot reduction` is not possible. Aerobic exercise helps burn calories and therefore should be encouraged for weight reduction in general. Cardiovascular exercise performed 3-5 days per week for 30-60 minutes per session will help shed body fat."
Carolyn Nickol, RD, MEd
Director, University Fitness Center, University of Cincinnati

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